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The Cult of Kumari: Virgin Worship in Nepal -  -  Anthropology
The Cult of Kumari: Virgin Worship in Nepal  > Anthropology
Kathmandu, Newar Buddhist girls as young as two years old are selected to become living incarnations of the Hindu goddess Taleju. Called 'Kumaris', the children are worshiped daily by both priests and laity and until some sign of imperfection appears, most commonly with the onset of menstruation, th more .. .

Auspicious Music in a Changing Society: <BR> The Damai                                    .. - Carol Tingey -  Anthropology
Auspicious Music in a Changing Society:
The Damai ..
 > Anthropology
Carol Tingey >
Nepal, a country as diverse demographically as it is topographically, is populated by over thirty culturally and linguistically distinct ethnic groups.
Damais occupy a unique place within this immense cultural diversity. The Damai are thought to be an auspicious caste in Nepal who are profession
more .. .

Food, Ritual and Society: A Study of Social Structure a - Per Löwdin -  Anthropology
Food, Ritual and Society: A Study of Social Structure a  > Anthropology
Per Löwdin >
The study explores the relationships between food, ritual and social organisation among the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. The unit of analysis is the significance of food: i) in terms of significant and ii) functionally, in the interaction among various social categories. The study conclu more .. .

Kamaiya: Slavery and Freedom - Peter Lowe -  Anthropology
Kamaiya: Slavery and Freedom  > Anthropology
Peter Lowe >
Kamaiya: Slavery and Freedom challenges the usual postcard image of ethnic groups in Nepal and the ease with which issues involving the lives of thousands of underprivileged people so easily slip off the public agenda. During the tumultuous days after the government abolished the kamaiya syste more .. .

Nationalism and Ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom: The Po - David N. Gellner, Joanna Ptait-Czarnecka -  Anthropology
Nationalism and Ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom: The Po  > Anthropology
David N. Gellner, Joanna Ptait-Czarnecka >
Nepal is the only officially Hindu Kingdom in the world and has remained so through successive changes of political regime. Since the nineteenth century it has experienced the autocracy of the Ranas, guided partyless democracy led by the king, and, following the people's revolution of 1990, a multip more .. .

People of Nepal - Dor Bahadur Bista -  Anthropology
People of Nepal  > Anthropology
Dor Bahadur Bista >
When People of Nepal, by Dor Bahadur Bista, was fist published in 1967, it was the first relatively comprehensive view of the vast array of Nepali cultures, castes and ethnic groups, with descriptions of some of their customs. Since then the book has come out in many editions, but remains a standard more .. .

Faces of Nepal - Jan Saltar Harka Gurung -  Anthropology
Faces of Nepal  > Anthropology
Jan Saltar Harka Gurung >
Nepal, which occupies the central section of the Himalayan range, is inhabited by an extraordinary variety of peoples. The mountains, hills and plains of the country comprise a contact zone for ethnic groups with origins in today's Sechuan-Yunnan highlands and caste groups whose original ancestors c more .. .

Anthropology of Nepal: Peoples, Problems and Process - Edt. Michael Allen -  Anthropology
Anthropology of Nepal: Peoples, Problems and Process  > Anthropology
Edt. Michael Allen >
An International Conference on the Anthropology of Nepal: Peoples, Problems and Processes was held in the Hotel Vajra, Kathmandu from the 7th to the 14th September 1992. It was organized jointly by the Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS), Tribhuvan University and the Department of Anthropology more .. .

Priests and Cobblers: A Study of Social Change in a Hindu Village in Western Nepal - A. Patricia Caplan -  Anthropology
Priests and Cobblers: A Study of Social Change in a Hindu Village in Western Nepal  > Anthropology
A. Patricia Caplan >
This book is study of the changing relations between members of the priestly caste (Brahmins) and a group of untouchables (Cobblers). The study covers a periods of several decades up to the time of fieldwork at the end of the 1960s in a Hindu village in western Nepal. From a position of almost total more .. .

Musical Instruments of Nepal - Ram Prasad Kadel -  Anthropology
Musical Instruments of Nepal  > Anthropology
Ram Prasad Kadel >
Musical Instrument of Nepal, a book by Ram Prasad Kadel, has explored the surviving inborn musical instruments. He not only has explored the musical instruments but he has also illustrated 362 different folk musical instruments about how they are played. Who play it? How they are made and how they o more .. .

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