The book is a bold exploration of certain controversial issues that relate to the everyday life of Hindu women. As Michael Allen says, it is "a collection of quite brilliant essays that I feel certain ... .. read
Mesocosm offers an entirely new understanding of the role of a traditional Hindu city In the lives, of Its. Inhabitants. Formerly the capital of Nepal, the city of Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu Valley wa ... .. read
The dictionary covers the colloquial, spoken language. It is certainly
not complete, but it is comparable in scope to existing bilingual Limbu-
English dictionaries apart from the completed but stil ... .. read
The Sherpas: a Nepalese people surrounded by myth and mystery, at home in north-east Nepal's Khumbu valley and Everest foothills. They have captured the attention of anthropologists of the world over ... .. read
Kamaiya: Slavery and Freedom challenges the usual postcard image of ethnic groups in Nepal and the ease with which issues involving the lives of thousands of underprivileged people so easily slip off ... .. read
This book is written primarily for scholars of Nepal, other scholars such as anthropologists (especially medical anthropologists), social epidemiologists and public health professionals (especially he ... .. read
Nepal is a heterogeneous country of different ethnic groups with different cultures and languages. This Himalayan Kingdom is also very rich in natural wealth, varied flora and fauna dwelling in differ ... .. read
Civilized Shamans examines the nature and evolution of religion in Tibetan societies from the ninth century up to the Chinese occupation in 1950. Geoffrey Samuel argues that religion in these societie ... .. read