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Notice: Undefined index: mandala_cook in /home/mandalab/public_html/main_details.php on line 7 Policies, Plans & People: Foreign Aid and Health Development - Judith Justice - Mandala Book Point, Kantipath, Kathmandu, Nepal
Policies, Plans & People: Foreign Aid and Health Development Author:Judith Justice
Category:Nepal Popularity:
About .
The Book
Book review:
"This book identifies one reason- the failure to consider sociocultural information in planning health care - for the enormous and chronic gap between policy- making and programme implementation that exists in Nepal. It will be extremely useful for anthropologists, international health professionals. scholars and planners who are interested in the development process. The major theme of how to use anthropology in planning is relevant for beyond the Nepali or disciplinary boundaries." -Sandra VanDam Anderson, Health Policy Planning"
Judith Justice sets as her dual goal an understanding of the local cultural information needed to improve health care in Nepal and an exploration of the barriers to the use of this information at national and international levels. Policies, Plans and People reaches these goals be presenting an exceedingly rich ethnographic account of the development of health care in Nepal." -Robert a Rubinstein, Meidical Anthropology Quaterly
Publication: Mandala Publications Number of Pages: 203+XV ISBN: 0-520-06788-6