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Nepal in Transition: From People's war to fragile peace - Sebastian von Einsiedel, David Malone, Suman Pradhan, Deepak Thapa, Rhoderick Chalmers, Devendra Raj Panday, Mahendra Lawoti, Teresa Whitfield, Frederick Rawski, Mandira Sharma, Ian Martin, Catinca Sl - Mandala Book Point, Kantipath, Kathmandu, Nepal


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   Nepal in Transition: From People's war to fragile peace - Sebastian von Einsiedel, David Malone, Suman Pradhan, Deepak Thapa, Rhoderick Chalmers, Devendra Raj Panday, Mahendra Lawoti, Teresa Whitfield, Frederick Rawski, Mandira Sharma, Ian Martin, Catinca Sl - Nepal
Nepal in Transition: From People's war to fragile peace
Author: Sebastian von Einsiedel, David Malone, Suman Pradhan, Deepak Thapa, Rhoderick Chalmers, Devendra Raj Panday, Mahendra Lawoti, Teresa Whitfield, Frederick Rawski, Mandira Sharma, Ian Martin, Catinca Sl


About  .

  The Book

Since emerging in 2006 from a ten-year Maoist insurgency, the 'People's War', Nepal has struggled with the difficult transition from war to peace, from autocracy to democracy, and from an exclusionary and centralized state to a more inclusive and federal one. The present volume, drawing on both international and Nepali scholars and leading practitioners, analyzes the context, dynamics and key players shaping Nepal's ongoing peace process. While the peace process is largely domestically driven, it has been accompanied by wide-ranging international involvement, including initiatives in peacemaking by NGOs, the United Nations and India, which, throughout the process, wielded considerable political influence; significant investments by international donors; and the deployment of a Security Council-mandated UN field mission. This book shines a light on the limits, opportunities and challenges of international efforts to assist Nepal in its quest for peace and stability and offers valuable lessons for similar endeavors elsewhere.



1. Introduction Sebastian von Einsiedel, David Malone and Suman Pradhan; Part I. The Context: 2. The making of the Maoist insurgency Deepak Thapa; 3. State power and the security sector: ideologies and interests Rhoderick Chalmers; 4. Nepal's failed development Devendra Raj Panday; 5. Ethnic politics and the building of an inclusive state Mahendra Lawoti; Part II. Critical Transition and the Role of Outsiders: 6. Masala peacemaking Teresa Whitfield; 7. A comprehensive peace? International human rights monitoring in Nepal Frederick Rawski and Mandira Sharma; 8. Support to Nepal's peace process: the role of the UN mission in Nepal Ian Martin; 9. Electing the constituent assembly Catinca Slavu; 10. Revolution by other means: the transformation of Nepal's Maoists Aditya Adhikari; Part III. Regional Dynamics: 11. A yam between two boulders: Nepal, India and China Rajeev Chaturvedy and David Malone; 12. Bringing the Maoists down from the hills: India's role S. D. Muni; 13. A Nepali perspective on international involvement Prashant Jha; Part IV. Conclusions: 14. Conclusions Sebastian von Einsiedel, David Malone and Suman Pradhan.

Book  .


Publication: 2012
Number of Pages: 398+
ISBN: 9781107659711

Inclusive of airmail charges [Worldwide]


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