Uncomfortable Wars Revisited
John T. Fishel, Max G. Manwaring, Forword and Afterwords by Edwin G. Corr
Category: Politics
Threatened since the end of the Cold War by failing states, insurgencies, civil wars, and terrorism, the United States has been compelled to re-evaluate its traditional responses to global conflict. In this timely book, John T. Fishel and Max G. Manwaring present a much needed strategy for conducting unconventional warfare in an increasingly violent world.
In the early 1990s, Manwaring introduced a new paradigm for addressing low-intensity conflicts, or conflicts other than major wars. Termed the Manwaring Paradigm or SWORD (Small Wars Operations Research Directorate) model, it has been tested successfully by scholars and practitioners and refined in the wake of new and significant "uncomfortable wars" around the world, most notably the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Uncomfortable Wars Revisited broadens the definition of the original paradigm and applies it to specific situations, including counterinsurgency in El Salvador, Peru, and Somalia; the "Drug War" in Latin America; the invasion of Panama; the First Gulf War; and more broadly, terrorism in the United States and abroad.
About the Author:
John T. Fishel is Professor of National Security Policy and Research Director at the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies of the National Defense University
About the Author:
Max G. Manwaring is Professor of Military Strategy at the U.S. Army War College, where he holds the General Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research