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Bag Bhairab: Purnaki Natak - Satya Mohan Joshi - Mandala Book Point, Kantipath, Kathmandu, Nepal


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   Bag Bhairab: Purnaki Natak - Satya Mohan Joshi - Others
Bag Bhairab: Purnaki Natak
Author: Satya Mohan Joshi


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  The Book

Witness Music, Myth & Newari Tradition in Bagh Bhairab

Some ethnic groups that have been exposed to urbanization have lost almost all contact with their traditions while there are others who still maintain ties with their culture. One such group that falls in the latter category is the traditional Newar Community - the primary inhabitants of the Kathmandu Valley.
Arohan presented a play written in Nepal Bhasha (Newari) by cultural expert Satya Mohan Joshi and translated in the Nepali by Ramesh Kazi Sthapit on July 8 at Sama Natak Ghar, Old Baneswor. This play tells the legend of the Bag Bhairab Temple in Kirtipur and the August Jatra in honour of the deity.
The play portrays the traditional Newar communities and their ways of life that include farming, cattle rearing and weaving.
__________Rita Dhital

“Written by playwright Satya Mohan Joshi, Bag Bhairab is directed by Sunil Pokharel and staged at Gurukul nearly every evening. Rajan (the protagonist in Bag Bhairab) himself worked on the set design based on the black box technique, But there are other details that he took care of to give the play its essence.”
__________Times, 5-11 Aug. 2005

“The play “Bag Bhairab” performed at the Gurukul of Old Baneswor on Friday July 8, revealed the legends behind the Bag Bhairab Temple of Kirtipur. According to Sunil Pokharel, the director of the play, the drama does not try to revel any social morals, nor does it try to teach anything.
It is totally left to the audience to derive their individual morals from the play. We thought of doing something historical and cultural, so we came accross this play written by Satya Mohan Joshi and translated by Ramesh Kazi Sthapit from Nepal Bhasha to Nepali. However we are also trying to promote our historical and cultural facts about which most of us are still ignorant “said Pokharel to City Post.”
__________The Kathmandu Post, Wednesday July 13, 2005


Book  .


Publication: Mandala Book Point, Arohan Gurukul (2008)
Number of Pages: 189 +
ISBN: 978-99946-55-06-9

Inclusive of airmail charges [Worldwide]


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