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Portfolio Behaviour of Commercial Banks in Nepal - Sunity Shrestha - Mandala Book Point, Kantipath, Kathmandu, Nepal


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   Portfolio Behaviour of Commercial Banks in Nepal - Sunity Shrestha - Others
Portfolio Behaviour of Commercial Banks in Nepal
Author: Sunity Shrestha


About  .

  The Book

The concept of banking system was introduced in Nepal with the establishment of Nepal Bank Ltd. in 1937. The financial scenario has changed with introduction of joint venture banks in 1984. The domestic banks of Nepal, Nepal Bank Ltd. and Rastriya Baniiya Bank could no longer hold monopoly. The number of commercial banks has been increasing so is the investment volume and opportunity in various sectors that extends to agriculture, industry, commercial and social sectors.

As financial intermediary, the commercial banks also play an important role as implementing body for central bank. The monetary structure involves analysis of the behavior of banking system. The variation in the size and composition of bank assets play important role in transmitting the influence of monetary policy to the economy. The composition of bank portfolio, such as, reserve, investment and lending lead the money supply to vary.

This book analyses the financial performance of the commercial banks through the techniques of ratios and Management V hievement Index. It also analyses the investment and lending operations of commercial banks and their contribution to the national economy. Finally, it analyses the portfolio composition of the commercial banks and their behaviour by testing the relationship with economic and fiscal variables of the country.

The time series data are used from 1975 to 1990 only, but the research methodology employed for the study remains unchanged forever.

Book  .


Publication: Mandala
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