Their achievement provided one answer to the many questions about high-altitude survival which had been asked from the beginning of the century. Their climb was the culmination
He Worked in a half light, huge and cheerful, his movement not so much graceful as unshakably assured, his energy almost demonic. He had a tremendous, bursting, elemental infectious, glorious vitality
A yant effectue au cours des vingt-six dernieres annees non moins de 32 randonnees ont 26 au Nepal et les autres au Sikkim, Bouthan, Ladkh et Zansker, l’auteur presente une synthese d’un
This book has been prepared keeping in mind rapid changes taking place in the land-looked economy of nepal seated in the lap of Great Himalaya where tourism is expected to contribute in a big way.
Everest. The word strikes a cord in the minds and hearts of people around the world, conjuring up images of a magnificent obelisk of rock and ice stretching so impossibly high i
Born at Sanglakhola,Kathmandu, Dr Ramesh Raj Kunwar is Nepal's Prominent anthropologist and tourism educationist. He was educated first at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, where h
What trekker doesn't dream of getting off the beaten track? Of escaping the congestion of the main 'tea-house' trekking routes and experiencing the real Nepal?