Since emerging in 2006 from a ten-year Maoist insurgency, the 'People's War', Nepal has struggled with the difficult transition from war to peace, from autocracy to democracy, and from an exclusio
Nepal has a long history of political struggle and popular uprisings have often threatened the existing regimes of this landlocked, predominantly Hindu state. In 1996, radical Maoists launched what wo
This book is a reflection on Nepalâ€s political economy. Nepal remains one of the poorest countries despite plethora of development experiments that span nearly five decades. This irony is comple
The present study focuses on the implications for India and China of a sustained political instability and ensuing violence inside Nepal with geo-strategic importance to both the Asian giants. The boo
Year 2006: Monarchy, the traditional seat of power in the Himalayan state of Nepal, comes to an end. What follows is a transition to becoming a federal republic. However, the new political environment
Barbara Adams has lived in Nepal for 45 years. She is a staunch nationalist, and as a result, a server and passionate critic. This book contains her observations of the failings of what come to be cal
The most formidable problem of Nepalese foreign policy has long been how to preserve national independence in the face of threats from abroad. Hence the interest of this book, which traces Nepalese fo
This book analyses the tumultuous situation in post-republic Nepal, with spot diagnosis of the major issues facing the country such as federal structure, security sector reform, armed movement in the
"An Outstanding achievement in explaning current political developments in Nepal while placing them insightfully and concisely within a historical context. A timely book that will be an invaluable res
Nepali political parties have recently stepped into a new phase of party building. With the restoration of democracy in 1990, political parties, the Nepali Congress (NC) and the Communist Party of Nep
This volume presents an account of political developments in Nepal since the ending of the Rana autocracy and the beginning of experiments with democracy. The book also analyzes the differing concepti
The Maoist chief "Prachanda" led an underground life for more than 25 years, and piecing together the stories about him and authenticating them were the most difficult part. Unfortunately, the facts s
Prayogshala (Laboratory) is a book about the politics of Nepal. It was written by Sudheer Sharma. The book revolves around the Maoist insurgency, deposed monarchy and the r
The People's War waged by the Maoist Party in Nepal overtly aimed at radically changing the nature of power and society. Nepalese society was thus shaken to its very roots, experiencing its own fr
'Shakti, Shrasta ra Subaltern' is the pioneering book on subaltern
studies in Nepalese contexts. It has evolved a new critical discourse in Nepali
academia. It came in second revised edition within