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Nepal's Failed Development: Reflections on the MIssion and the Maladies - Devendra Raj Panday -  Nepal
Nepal's Failed Development: Reflections on the MIssion and the Maladies  > Nepal
Devendra Raj Panday >
This book is a reflection on Nepal”s political economy. Nepal remains one of the poorest countries despite plethora of development experiments that span nearly five decades. This irony is complemented by profusion of development literature that fails to address the core issues. The book is more .. .

Nepal in Transition: From People's war to fragile peace - Sebastian von Einsiedel, David Malone, Suman Pradhan, Deepak Thapa, Rhoderick Chalmers, Devendra Raj Panday, Mahendra Lawoti, Teresa Whitfield, Frederick Rawski, Mandira Sharma, Ian Martin, Catinca Sl -  Nepal
Nepal in Transition: From People's war to fragile peace  > Nepal
Sebastian von Einsiedel, David Malone, Suman Pradhan, Deepak Thapa, Rhoderick Chalmers, Devendra Raj Panday, Mahendra Lawoti, Teresa Whitfield, Frederick Rawski, Mandira Sharma, Ian Martin, Catinca Sl >
Since emerging in 2006 from a ten-year Maoist insurgency, the 'People's War', Nepal has struggled with the difficult transition from war to peace, from autocracy to democracy, and from an exclusionary and centralized state to a more inclusive and federal one. The present volume, drawing on both inte more .. .

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