This book of interviews with nineteen scholars shows how research on Nepal is produced in the United Kingdom (UK), which has been the centre of much social science writing on the country. In addition to descriptions of research themes, this book is also concerned in institutional environments that mmore
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Articles :
Martin Gaenszle with Nutan D. Sharma - Nepali kings and Kasi: On the changing significance of a sacred centre. Page 1-33
Rhoderick Chalmers - Pandits and pulp fiction: popular publishing and the birth of Nepali print- capitalism in Banaras. Page 35-97
Heather Hindman - The everydaymore
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Articles :
Bryan Maddox - Language policy: Modernist ambivalence and social exclusion: A case study of Rupandehi district in Nepal’s tarai. Page 205-224
Seira Tamang - Patriarchy and the production of homo-erotic behavior in Nepal. Page 225-258
Bhaskar Gautam - Nepalma swayamsewa: Pharakilmore
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Chaitanya Mishra - Locating the “Causes†of the Maoist Struggle. 3
Laura Kunreuther - Voiced Writing and Public Intimacy on Kathmandu’s FM Radio. 57
Ani Rudra Silwal - Not as Easy to Achieve as it is to Claim: Repayment Success of Nepali Village Banks. 97
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Articles :
Krishna Hachhethu - Political science in Nepal. Page 225-259
Katsuo Nawa - Language situation and “mother tongue†in Byans, far western Nepal. Page 261-291
Saurav D Bhatta - Disparities in school performance in the SLC exams: An exploratory analysis. Page 293-343
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Pramod Bhatta - Decentralization of Primary Education in Nepal: pp. 3-38
Tor H. Aase and Prem Sagar Chapagain - Nepali Agriculture in Crisis?: pp. 39-56
Devraj Humagain - Nepalma FM Radioko Bisthar: pp. 57-103
Susan Hangen - Boycotting Dasain: History, Memory and Ethnic Politics inmore
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Why Studies in Nepali History and Society? Page 1-3
Arjun Guneratne - The Tax Man Cometh: The Impact of Revenue Collection on Subsistence Strategies in Chitwan Tharu Society. Page 3-35
Pratyoush Onta - Creating a Brave Nepali Nation in British India: The Rhetoric of Jatimore
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Mary Des Chene - In the Name of Bikas. Page 259-270
Tatsuro Fujikura - Technologies of Improvement, Locations of Culture: American Discourses of Democracy and 'Community Development' in Nepal. Page 271-311
Bikas Pandey - Local Benefits From Hydro Development. Page 313-34more
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-> Children's songs, artists, and the development state
-> Political opinoion polls
-> Sociology of naming
-> Khagendra Sangroula: Voice of opposition
-> Towns and rural development
-> press censorship under King Gyanendra
-> Nepali Writings in English
-> Book review
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Reflections on the First Decade of SINHAS 1
“Learning to be Modernâ€: Mass Media and Identity in Kathmandu 3
Mark Liechty
Violence, Non-violence, Sacrifice, Rebellion, and the State 31
David Holmberg
Representing INGO-NGO Relations in Nepal: Are Wemore
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