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Notice: Undefined index: mandala_cook in /home/mandalab/public_html/main_details.php on line 7 Shakti, Shrasta ra Subaltern (In Nepali) - Dr. Tara Lal Shrestha - Mandala Book Point, Kantipath, Kathmandu, Nepal
Shakti, Shrasta ra Subaltern (In Nepali) Author:Dr. Tara Lal Shrestha
Category:Nepal Popularity:
About .
The Book
'Shakti, Shrasta ra Subaltern' is the pioneering book on subaltern
studies in Nepalese contexts. It has evolved a new critical discourse in Nepali
academia. It came in second revised edition within four months of its
first edition. The second edition has included the latest debates on
politics of Marxism, Progressive Writers' Association, Progressive
Writings etc. in association with Subaltern Studies.
Publication: 2011 Number of Pages: 274 ISBN: 9789937843614