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Studies in Nepali History and SocietyI(SINHAS): Vol.11, No.1 June 2006 Author:Pratyoush Onta, Mark Liechty, Seira Tama
Category:SINHAS Journal Popularity:
About .
The Book
Reflections on the First Decade of SINHAS 1
“Learning to be Modernâ€: Mass Media and Identity in Kathmandu 3
Mark Liechty
Violence, Non-violence, Sacrifice, Rebellion, and the State 31
David Holmberg
Representing INGO-NGO Relations in Nepal: Are We Being Donor-Centric? 65
Celayne Heaton Shrestha
Revisiting Ethnography, Recognizing a Forgotten People:
the Thangmi of Nepal and India 97
Sara Shneiderman and Mark Turin
Damme, This is the Nepali Travel Writing Scene for You 183
Ajit Baral
Book Reviews
Kathryn S. March, “If Each Comes Halfway:â€
Meeting Tamang Women in Nepal,
by Katsuo Nawa 193
Katharine Neilson Rankin, The Cultural Politics of Markets:
Economic Liberalization and Social Change in Nepal,
by Jagannath Adhikari 198
B P Koirala Pheri Sundarijal
Author Index for SINHAS (1996-2005) 209
Subscription For 2005
Individual / Single Nrs. 250
Institutional / Single Nrs. 350
Individual / Single IN rs. 300
Institutional / Single IN rs. 400
Individual / Annual (2 issues) IN rs. 550
Institutional / Annual (2 issues) IN rs. 700
Individual (Two Issues) US$ 35 (Inclusive of Air Mail charge)
Institutional (Two Issues) US$ 75 (Inclusive of Air Mail charge)
For further details please contact us.
Publication: Mandala Book Point Number of Pages: 218+ ISBN: