At a time when the world was entering into the twenty-first century, profound
changes were underway in the sphere of economic policy making at both global
and national levels. It was already establi
"Very little is known about Nepal except for its beautiful mountains. Still less is known about its people, their poverty and underdevelopment and its fallout - the Maoist uprising. Even less has been
Nepal began the transition from the 14 century absolute monarchy to a 20 century multiparty democracy and constitutional monarchy in 1990. During the brief parliamentary period that followed as many a
Under the Shadow of Violence gives a graphic account of the daily difficulties and traumatic suffering of the Nepali people amidst the on-going violent conflict. It tells of a population 'sandwiched'
Politics of People's War and Human Rights attempts to narrate and analyze Maoists' decade-long war, its politics, and consequences, particularly for human rights.
Dr Pathak wants to handle the 'Peop
The eruption of a violent Maoist insurgency in Nepal in the late 1990s was met with bewilderment even among many of those who claimed to know the country well. Any such development possesses its own h
‘Katherine Rankin Distills important debates in anthropology and geography as they relate to planning in a way that is accessible yet intelligent. … I know of no other book which so effect
Barbara Adams has lived in Nepal for 45 years. She is a staunch nationalist, and as a result, a server and passionate critic. This book contains her observations of the failings of what come to be cal
The introduction to Simple Convictions is written by Kanak Mani Dixit, an editor and reporter who was active in the fight against ‘royal regression’ and ma
...In Nepal, ethnic identity and national identity overlap largely. Ethnic/regional identity by minorities could challenge the nation, but it appears from the survey that this assertion does not c
The Maoist chief "Prachanda" led an underground life for more than 25 years, and piecing together the stories about him and authenticating them were the most difficult part. Unfortunately, the facts s
"An Outstanding achievement in explaning current political developments in Nepal while placing them insightfully and concisely within a historical context. A timely book that will be an invaluable res
Threatened since the end of the Cold War by failing states, insurgencies, civil wars, and terrorism, the United States has been compelled to re-evaluate its traditional responses to global conflict. I
In this book, national security expert Max G. Manwaring examines the ascendance of nonstate actors in a geopolitical world. He shows how such actors have emerged parallel to the state-centric internat