Barbara Adams has lived in Nepal for 45 years. She is a staunch nationalist, and as a result, a server and passionate critic. This book contains her observations of the failings of what come to be cal
Nepal began the transition from the 14 century absolute monarchy to a 20 century multiparty democracy and constitutional monarchy in 1990. During the brief parliamentary period that followed as many a
The most formidable problem of Nepalese foreign policy has long been how to preserve national independence in the face of threats from abroad. Hence the interest of this book, which traces Nepalese fo
This book gives a detailed account of the political movement started by Nepal Praja Parished to establish Monarchy-cum- Republic in Nepal by abolishing the brutal Rana Regime which gave untold sufferi
'Open Secrets-India's Intelligence Unveiled'- is the story of an intelligence operator, who devoted nearly 30 years in the country's prime intelligence agency, through memorable events, which often sh
"An Outstanding achievement in explaning current political developments in Nepal while placing them insightfully and concisely within a historical context. A timely book that will be an invaluable res
Nepali political parties have recently stepped into a new phase of party building. With the restoration of democracy in 1990, political parties, the Nepali Congress (NC) and the Communist Party of Nep
This volume presents an account of political developments in Nepal since the ending of the Rana autocracy and the beginning of experiments with democracy. The book also analyzes the differing concepti
This now-classic examination of the development of viable political institutions in emerging nations is a major and enduring contribution to modern political analysis. In a new Foreword, Francis Fukuy
Politics of People's War and Human Rights attempts to narrate and analyze Maoists' decade-long war, its politics, and consequences, particularly for human rights.
Dr Pathak wants to handle the 'Peop
The Maoist chief "Prachanda" led an underground life for more than 25 years, and piecing together the stories about him and authenticating them were the most difficult part. Unfortunately, the facts s
Prayogshala (Laboratory) is a book about the politics of Nepal. It was written by Sudheer Sharma. The book revolves around the Maoist insurgency, deposed monarchy and the r
…an excellent contribution to our understanding of Nepal's current situation and worth the attention of anyone seriously interested in the subject.'
- JOHN WHELPTON in European Bulletin of Hima