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Madheshi Uprising: The Resurgence of Ethnicity
Author: Kalyan Bhakta Mathema > Politics

Review from MyRepublica

The Madheshi Community launched in 2007 the largest ever ethnic uprising in Nepal that shook the Nepali state (Read More..)

Author: MADAN KRISHNA SHRESTHA > Bestseller (Nepali)

Author: KISHORE NEPAL > Bestseller (Nepali)

Mero Samaye By Kishore Nepal

Text: Nepali
Pulished Year: 2014 (

Nation Building and Ethnicity in Nepal: Theory and Practice
Author: Ananta Raj Poudyal > Nepal

Nation building is the multidimensional process relating the activities from the cradle to the grave. The idea of nation building is considered inconceivable without the idea of popular sovereignty... (Read More..)

Nepal in Transition: From People's War to Fragile Peace
Author: Sebastian von Einsiedel, David M Malone, Suman Pradhan > Nepal

Since emerging in 2006 from a ten-year Maoist insurgency, the 'People's War', Nepal has struggled with the difficult transition from war to peace, from autocracy to democracy, and from an exclusio (Read More..)

Nepal Votes for Peace
Author: Bhojraj Pokharel, Shristi Rana > Nepal

Nepal has a long history of political struggle and popular uprisings have often threatened the existing regimes of this landlocked, predominantly Hindu state. In 1996, radical Maoists launched what wo (Read More..)

Nepal World View (in 2 volumes)
Author: Madhu Raman Acharya > Nepal

In this insightful book spanning over two volumes dedicated to Nepal’s foreign policy and diplomacy, the author explores how Nepal and its people as a nation articulate their “worldview” in the (Read More..)

Nepal's Development Tragedy: Threats and Possibilities
Author: Bishwambher Pyakuryal > Nepal

Nepal's Development Tragedy Threats and Possibilities was to find out which factors - Capital, policy, governance or institution were constraints to Nepal's Development? (Read More..)

Nepal-Nation-State in the Wilderness: Managing State, Democracy, and Geopolitics
Author: Lok Raj Baral > Nepal

Year 2006: Monarchy, the traditional seat of power in the Himalayan state of Nepal, comes to an end. What follows is a transition to becoming a federal republic. However, the new political environment (Read More..)

Nepal: Strategy for Survival
Author: Leo E. Rose (Forward by John Whelpton) > Nepal

The most formidable problem of Nepalese foreign policy has long been how to preserve national independence in the face of threats from abroad. Hence the interest of this book, which traces Nepalese fo (Read More..)

Nepali Art: Issues Miscellany
Author: Madan Chitrakar > Art and Culture

This is the second work of Madan Chitrakar in a book form. As one of the leading art-writers of Nepal, on many occasions he has taken Nepali Art beyond the borders.

In this book - a collection of s (

New Nepal: The Fault Lines
Author: Nischal Nath Pandey > Nepal

This book analyses the tumultuous situation in post-republic Nepal, with spot diagnosis of the major issues facing the country such as federal structure, security sector reform, armed movement in the (Read More..)

Pararastra Ka Patra
Author: Madan Kumar Bhattarai (Nepali) > Nepal

Prarastra ka Patra (in Nepali langauge)
- By Dr Madan Kumar Bhattarai (

Prayogshala: Nepali Sagkraman ma Delhi, Durbar ra Maobadi
Author: Sudheer Sharma > Bestseller (Nepali)

Text: In Nepali Lanaguge

Prayogshala (Laboratory) is a book about the politics of Nepal. It was written by Sudheer Sharma. The book revolves around the Maoist insurgency, deposed monarchy and the r (Read More..)

Revolution In Nepal: An Anthropological and Historical Approach to People'S War
Author: Editor(s): Marie Lecomte-tilouine > Nepal

The People's War waged by the Maoist Party in Nepal overtly aimed at radically changing the nature of power and society. Nepalese society was thus shaken to its very roots, experiencing its own fr (Read More..)

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